My Favorite Things
We need more than just stuff!
So this page could be all about stuff to buy. but in these times of stress and fear, we also need the mental clarity, mindfulness, and calm.
Sam harris has one of the best meditation apps on the market. And it comes from a scientific view and less about the woo-woo. Nothing wrong with that, but we don’t need to do buddhism To be mindful. Its expensive, but the meditations are amazing and he has tons of small lessons to learn Why you are doing a thing.
He also has a financial assistance thing where he will pay for the app, you just have to ask and 100% of the people who ask, get the course for free! Just send an email after tyring it out!.
Click on the picture to learn more!
SPRI Resistance Bands
These are the very bands we use in class.
Due to covid, You will need these bands to reduce sharing of equipment and for zoom home workouts which will happen in case of a rain- day or a park closure.
I recommend getting the Green, red, blue, and purple. If money is an issue, you can either drop the lighter band (green) or the super heavy band (purple). You can get one with a door attachment, but I’d recommend the one below as theirs feels a bit flimsy.
Click on the image for amazon link, or if i have any new/newer ones on hand you can buy them directly from me at cost.
Boss Fitness Door attachment.
When having to workout at home or at a hotel, the last thing you want is a giant welt on your face. (Rule #2 of bootcamp is “don’t break your face”)
This thing is probably one of the best, strongest and it’s usually super cheap ($5-10). These are necessary for your zoom home workouts for many of the attachment exercises we do in class.
click on the image for amazon link.
Under Armour Sportsmask
These have 3 layers of protection and offer the best protection from spreading your droplets to everyone. They have also been shown to protect you a bit from inhaling droplets. While They look bulky and heavy, they’re SURPRISINGLY very light and you can breathe really well with them. The main thing with these is that they are molded to hold a shape so the fabric ISN'T inhaled into your mouth when things get wet and sweaty.
They are usually $30 online. Usually the under armour outlet store at the citadel has them on sale “2 for $40”
click on the image for the under armour online store.
The One Stretch
Probably the one thing i get almost every one of my private clients to buy. Many of us have super tight calves or foot issues like plantar FASCIITIS and most of them come from not getting the right areas to stretch in the best way. This thing is amazing. You can lean up against a wall and just watch TV. Way better than using stairs or a ball. And it allows you to relax the muscles that need to turn off so that you can get the stretch you need!
Click on the image and go to the doctor’s site and then it’ll link you to amazon if you wish.
Buddy Lee Jump Ropes
I love buddy. He helps children get fit and has all kinds of programs for the youth of NYC.
These without a doubt are the best jump ropes in the world. High performance and actually makes jumping rope easier because of the patented swivel bearing system. They are around $27-40, but they’ll last forever and are one of the only jump ropes that come with replacable parts! I use the “Aero Speed”, but the others are great as well.
Click on the image and it’ll take you to his amazon store where you can research and choose the one that works for you!